Youth Lounge area or room is a place where youth chill and relax while waiting for the next salah. Youth lounge area is an idea inspired by muslim youth, for youths and supported by these same youths.

Most youth when they come to the masjid they feel bored and out of place. Next time you want to invite them to come to the masjid again, they is a good chance that they will resist.

So some muslim youth came up with this idea: Youth Lounge Room. The goal is get them to relax and enjoy their time in the masjid while they’re waiting for salah. When athan is made, the room is closed, and everyone is sent to the prayer hall.

While they’re at the masjid, we also take the chance to invite them to attend the halaqaat and islamic knowledge circles. If that’s what they want of course. We also invited them to attend other masjid activities such as BBQ, basketball tournament, etc…

Youth Lounge Room Pictures:

Madinah Hotel Lobby
Madinah Hotel Lobby
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