Let’s travel back in time and experience the lives of the prophets. Learn from their struggles & triumphs. Get inspired by their courage, dedication, & piety: From Adam to Isse (Peace Be Upon The All)
[Peace Be Upon Them All]
By Sh. Dr. Ali Albarghouthi
Why Study Stories of the Prophets?
The most tested people to walk on the earth were the Prophet’s of Allah. Allah retells their stories in the quran to highlight certain attributes necessary for success.
- The Prophets of Allah are role models. We can derive life-changing lessons from their stories.
- These stories contain great wisdom and can be used to improve ours.
- The Prophets are the best of the best. In other words, to become the best, you have to model the best.
“Stories of the Prophets (Peace Be Upon Them All) have not been narrated for the sake of entertainments or cultural pleasure; they carry a significant message to people in general …” [Ibn Katheer]
In this program we hope to draw benefits & lessons from their lives to help us improve ourselves.
This program is for all ages: old, young, grandfather, novice, or even well verse.
As ibn Khatheer have said, “Stories of the Prophets” have not been told for the sake of entertainments because you can read these online anywhere. Rather, this program is about drawing life-changing lessons from the stories of the prophets.
- Let’s travel back in time and experience the lives of the prophets
- So, don’t miss this opportunity to get an eman boost and attend this life changing event in person.
- Turn your Fridays into purification night.
- Come and meet your community who will help you move forward.
01. Prophet Adam - Stories of the Prophets
02. Prophet Nuh (as) & Prophet Adam (as) - Stories of the Prophets Series
03. Prophet Huud (as), Prophet Saalih (as), & Prophet Nuuh - Stories of the Prophets Series
04. Prophet Ibrahim (as) - Stories of the Prophets Series
05. Prophet Ismail, Isaaq, Ibrahim (as) - Stories of the Prophets Series
06. Prophet Lut (AS) - Stories of the Prophets Series
07. Prophet Yusuf (AS) Part 1 - Stories of the Prophet Series
08. Prophet Yusuf (AS) Part 2 - Stories of the Prophet Series
09. Prophet Yusuf (AS) Part 3 - Stories of the Prophet Series
10. Prophet Yonis (AS) - Stories of the Prophet Series
11. Prophet Ayub (AS) - Stories of the Prophet Series
12. Prophet Musa (AS) Part 1 - Stories of the Prophet Series
13. Prophet Musa (AS) Part 2 - Stories of the Prophet Series
14. Prophet Musa (AS) Part 3 - Stories of the Prophet Series
15. Prophet Musa (AS) Part 4 - Stories of the Prophet Series
16. Prophet Daud (AS) - Stories of the Prophet Series
17. Prophet Suleiman (AS) - Stories of the Prophet Series
18. Prophet Zakariya and Yahaya (AS) - Stories of the Prophet Series
19. Prophet Isa (AS) Part 1 - Stories of the Prophet Series
20. Prophet Isa (AS) Part 2 - Stories of the Prophet Series
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