In this page, here are some of the most interesting videos you've got to watch. They're all short videos from 1 min to 3 min max!
Stories of the ProphetsPlease Donate!
Everytime you make sujuud, the Shaytan cries!

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Everytime You Make a Sujuud, The Shaytan Cries… Sh. Dr. Ali Albarghouthi talks about this story in the Stories of the Prophets Program.

Prophet Musa VS Prophet Adam

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An argument between Prophet Adam (as) and Prophet Musa (as) escalated quickly…
Sh. Dr. Ali Albarghouthi talks about this story in the video.

How Tall Was Prophet Adam (AS)?

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How tall was Prophet Adam (AS)? Sh. Ali Albarghouthi answers this question in this video.

The Death of Prophet Adam (AS)! 🙁

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The Death of Prophet Adam (AS) – The first human and our father! Sh. Dr. Ali Albarghouthi shorty talks about how Prophet Adam (as) died in the third class of the Stories of the Prophets Series.

The Extinct Arab Tribe explained

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Did you know that there are extinct Arab Tribe? Sh. Dr. Ali Al-Barghouthi Explains.

Shaytan is your Enemy!

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The Shaytan is your enemy, so take him as your enemy! This was Sh. Ali Al-Barghouthi Khutbah.

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