by Khalid Bin Al-Walid Moque | Jun 3, 2020
Do you owe someone money By Sh. Ali Albarghouthi To listen to the Stories of the Prophets: If you missed last year’s “Stories of the Prophets” Series program, don’t worry. Press “Click Now” below. You can watch it for free. Click...
by Khalid Bin Al-Walid Moque | May 3, 2020
Beautiful Quranic Recitation by Ahmed Burhan Mohamed To listen to the rest of the Stories of the Prophets: If you missed last year’s “Stories of the Prophets” Series program, don’t worry. Press “Click Now” below. You can watch it...
by Khalid Bin Al-Walid Moque | May 3, 2020
If there are 20 people who are patient, then they will be able to defeat 200… By Sh. Dr. Ali Al-Barghouthi To listen to the rest of the Stories of the Prophets: If you missed last year’s “Stories of the Prophets” Series program, don’t...
by Khalid Bin Al-Walid Moque | Oct 24, 2018
LOST CHILDREN AT BIRTH, NO WORRIES BECAUSE THEY’RE WITH PROPHET IBRAHIM By Sh. Dr. Ali Al-Barghouthi Stories of the Prophets: [Goes Live Every Fridays After Maqrib] If you missed last week Friday’s “Stories of the Prophets” Series program,...
by Khalid Bin Al-Walid Moque | Oct 15, 2018
DON’T HAVE CHILDREN? By Sh. Dr. Ali Al-Barghouthi To listen to the rest of the Stories of the Prophets: If you missed last year’s “Stories of the Prophets” Series program, don’t worry. Press “Click Now” below. You can watch it...
by Khalid Bin Al-Walid Moque | Oct 12, 2018
IS IT LOSING HOPE OR IS IT DEPRESSION by Sh. Dr. Ali Al-Barghouthi Stories of the Prophets: [Goes Live Every Fridays After Maqrib] If you missed last week Friday’s “Stories of the Prophets” Series program, don’t worry. Press “Click...