
The Heart Therapy

The Heart Therapy A program that explores a collection of 40 hadiths in purification of the soul and reformation of the heart. New? Enroll Now! Returning? Login!  FREE  7 Hours  All Levels OVERVIEW If you find yourself asking questions such as: “I feel hardness in...

Secrets to being happy

Secrets to being happy There is no doubt that the absence of grief and worry from the heart; and the presence of peace and tranquility in the heart is everyone’s goal. This program shares some of the secrets and strategies on how to become a happier person, have more...

Usool Athalathah

Usool Thalatha This Aqeedah program is focuses on the Three Fundamental Principles which are the three questions that everyone will be asked in the grave; ‘Who is your Lord?’, ‘What is your religion?’ and ‘Who is your Prophet?’. Understanding these principles is more...

Proving The Prophethood of Muhammed

Proving The Prophethod of Muhammed ﷺ A program discussing the necessity of Prophethood and the Evidence behind it. As well as the proof that Muhammad ﷺ was a true Prophet and a  bearer of a Divine Message. New? Enroll Now! Returning? Login!  FREE  10 Hours  All...

Shama’il Muhammadiyah

SHAMA’IL MUHAMMADIYAH (Prophet’s Character & Physical Features) The Shamā’il of Imam al-Tirmidhī is a treasured collection of Hadeeth detailing the various characteristics of the blessed Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. This course provides an explanation of the Hadeeth...
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