Suhur Ends 5:53 | Fajr 6:15 | Jumah: 1:30 pm | Duhur: 1:40 pm | Asr 5:30 | Maqrib 7:36 or sunset | Isha 9:15

The Final Countdown: Last Ten Nights of Ramadan

A Time for Reflection, Renewal, and Seeking Forgiveness and Redemption

As we enter the final stretch of Ramadan, we are reminded of the immense blessings and forgiveness that Allah has in store for us. During this sacred period, we come together for Taraweeh and Tahajud prayers, striving to deepen our worship and draw closer to Allah. May Allah grant us the strength and devotion to make the most of these blessed nights, and may He accept our prayers and forgive our sins. Ameen.

For Ramadan Prayer Schedule



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Ramadan 2025

The masjid providing free iftaar everyday and free suhuur during the last ten nights of Ramadan. Click Here!

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Learn about LAYLATUL QADR, also known as the NIGHT POWER, by reading this article. Click “read more” below to learn more. Please share the khair with everyone as well.

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When is Eid Fitr in Toronto, Canada? Where is the Eid prayer location? Please visit this page to find out answers to these questions?

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Our Shuyukh & Instructors:

Sh. Bashir Shiil

Imam of Khalid Bin Al-Walid Mosque, and a director of Somali Islamic social services such as marriage, family counselling, & fatwa.

Sh. Ali AlBarghouthi

Islamic Instructor-Lecturer at Khalid Bin Al-Walid Mosque, and a PhD in Religious Studies from the University of Waterloo & Wildfrid Laurie University.

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